Friday, 9 July 2021

Term 2

Today I'm going to show you some of the things that I have been doing for term two at school. I did some persuasive writing about Matariki it was kind of fun but I didn't really want to write about Matariki. I really enjoyed having Milo  morning tea it was really fun because my mum made cake for it and we got to talk about what we did in the weekends. Milo morning tea is when we have time out of the class and have a milo with the Principal. 

I had fun doing sculptgl because we could sculpture what we wanted. What I enjoyed most was the google music lab where we could make a beat and add a song to it. We did some Matariki art and had to make a blog about it. It was fun making a animated GIF when we had to use screen carsyfie and then we had to delete the background and replace it we also did one with some buddies. We did some P.E. to get some exercise it was really hard because we did a lap of the bike track before we did P.E. We had to learn a heap of songs to sing at assembly. We had to make some games on scratch which was fun. We made a website to put our animated GIF's on and I found that bit hard. We did some practice for the debate (argument) we did it with a group. I find maths hard but I still had to do it😭.Here are some pictures off the things I did. Could you put an animated GIF on your blog? 


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